TIME: Wed, April 25, 1:30pm PLACE: Room 5115 Herzberg SPEAKER: Norbert Zeh TITLE: Connectivity of graphs under edge flips ABSTRACT: Given a vertex set V and a collection E of edge pairs, the graph family G(V,E) is the set of graphs with vertex set V and containing exactly one edge from each pair in E. Our goal is to find a graph in G(V,E) with the minimum number of connected components. This problem is motivated by a problem in computational topology. We show that, in general, the problem is NP-hard. We also show that for two particular kinds of sets E, one of which is the one arising in the motivating topological problem, we can find a graph in G(V,E) with the minimum number of connected components in O(nm) time, where n = |V| and m = |E|.