Rust, Ownership, and Iteration

Alexis Beingessner

Carleton University + Mozilla Research




A new systems programming language!

1.0 released this spring:

Great Free Books:


Web browsers are awful today


Web browsers are awful tomorrow

What's Rust?

Faster than C++

Technically impossible -- but true "at scale"

Faster than C++

Servo is a rewrite of Firefox's layout engine in Rust.

Safer than Java

Rust is completely memory/type-safe like Java:

All the usual stuff

Safer than Java

But also has more:

"If it compiles, it works"

Practical and Usable

No big paradigm-shifting changes.

Still imperative and statically typed, like C++ and Java.

Has inference and other niceties that those languages lack.

Simple things are still simple (or simpler).

Practical and Usable

Can seem harder to write at first; lots of compiler errors

"Fighting the compiler" is a common experience for new users

But most find that the compiler was actually right

(so this is just saving you time down the road)

Practical and Usable

let mut bad_count = 0;
for name in names {
    if name.contains("cat") {
        println!("Kitty! {}", name);
    } else {
        bad_count += 1;
println!("Found {} non-cats", bad_count);

What does Rust do different?


Many problems boil down to bad data ownership

Example 1

A classic mistake to make in C++:

fn to_string(input: &u32) -> &String {
    let string = format!("{}", input);
    return &string;

Trying to return a pointer to a local variable.

(this is not a problem with GC)

Example 1

Doesn't compile in Rust:

<anon>:3:4: 3:10 error: `string` does not live long enough
<anon>:3   return &string;

Example 1

Not properly managing ownership.

Pointers share data, when really we wanted to give ownership of the data to the caller:

fn to_string(input: &u32) -> String {
    return format!("{}", input);

GC is basically a rejection of true ownership

Example 2

A classic mistake in any language:

let mut data = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
for x in &data {
    data.push(2 * x);

Trying to mutate some state while something else is viewing it (the iterator).

(This is a problem even with GC)

Example 2

Doesn't compile in Rust:

<anon>:4:9: 4:13 error: cannot borrow `data` as mutable because it is also borrowed as immutable
<anon>:4         data.push(2 * x);

Example 2

An ownership issue: mutation needs uniqueness. (shared XOR mutable)

Functional avoids mutation always. (extreme)

Aliasing with mutability in a sufficiently complex single-threaded program is effectively the same thing as accessing data shared across multiple threads without a lock

What's Ownership?

Three core kinds of type:


Values can be used "at most once", meaning once they're consumed or moved, they're gone forever.

Avoids using a value that you no longer own, or that was otherwise put in an invalid state (freed its memory, closed its file, etc).


Mutation and aliasing together are a mess, but individually useful. Allow both but not at once; mutability "inherited" from access.

Useful in single-threaded, but generalizes to multi-threaded.

References are statically prevented from outliving their referent!

Interior Mutability

Being able to mutate through shared references.

Relatively rare, but valid as long as ensures some level of mutual exclusion (mutexes, atomics, and other thread-safe objects are obvious examples).

Single-threaded equivalents also exist for convenience. (we're pragmatic)

Getting Comfortable With Ownership

Now that we have a vague idea of what Rust is all about, let's look at a concrete and practical problem.

Any Questions?

Let's talk about this for 30 minutes

pub trait Iterator { // I can yield things
    type Item;       // Things I yield
    // How I yield them
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item>;


for i in 0..10 {
    println!("{}", i);

Collection Iterator Dream Team

(these are structs)



IntoIter - Owned Values (T)

What if we only had IntoIter

fn process(data: Vec<String>) {
    for string in data.into_iter() {
        // I got all the data, it's mine!
        println!("{}", string);

    // Oh no! Iterating consumed it :(
    println!("{}", data.len()); //~ERROR

Trash Language; Quit Forever

Iter - Shared References (&T)

Iter lets you look but not touch

fn print(data: &Vec<String>)
    for string in data.iter() {
        // All I can do is read :/
        println!("{}", string);

    // Yay it lives!
    println!("{}", data.len());

Everyone can look at the same time!

fn print_combos(data: &Vec<String>) {
    let len = data.len();
    for string in data.iter() {
        // Iterate and query at the same time!
        println!("{} {}",

IterMut - Mutable References (&mut T)

IterMut gives you exclusive access

fn make_better(data: &mut Vec<String>) {
    for string in data.iter_mut() {
        // Ooh I can mutate you!
        // But I can't share :(

Drain - I Drink Your Milkshake (🍼T)

Drain lets you partial move

let mut data = vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

for x in data.drain(2..4) {
    // got exclusive access so we can "drain"
    // the values out but leave the vec alive

// data lives on! We can reuse the allocation!
// Bulk `remove`!
// Dat Perf. ;_;
assert_eq!(&*data, &[0, 1, 4, 5]);


Iterators naturally fall out of ownership:

IterMut is kinda weird...

Rust doesn't understand when indexing is disjoint:

let mut data = vec![1, 2, 3, 4];

let ptr1 = &mut data[0];
let ptr2 = &mut data[1]; //~ ERROR

*ptr1 += 5;
*ptr2 *= 3;

(I would argue this is a good thing)

IterMut is kinda weird...

But it's ok with IterMut?! Ownership busted?!

let mut data = vec![1, 2, 3, 4];
let mut iter = data.iter_mut();

let ptr1 =;
let ptr2 =;

*ptr1 += 5;
*ptr2 *= 3;

IterMut 100% Legit and Safe

(not true for indexing in general)

Why does the API allow this?

impl<'a, T> Iterator for IterMut<'a, T> {
  type Item = &'a mut T;
  fn next<'b>(&'b mut self) -> Option<&'a mut T> {

'a is not associated with 'b, so next doesn't care if you still have a 'a

Shh... It's okay borrow checker, only dreams now


How can Rust let you implement this?!?

The Borrow Checker is Crazy Smart

You can statically prove to the compiler that this works.

IterMut for an Array

pub struct IterMut<'a, T: 'a> { data: &'a mut[T] };

impl<'a, T> Iterator for IterMut<'a, T> {
    type Item = &'a mut T;
    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let d = replace(&mut, &mut []);
        if d.is_empty() { return None; }

        let (l, r) = d.split_at_mut(1); = r;

Not Just Arrays

Same basic idea works on singly-linked lists and trees -- anything with clear ownership that you can get subviews into.
