The 1000 year egg

And so I found myself, sitting in my Taipei apartment, armed with a bottle of coke and a small pack of Oreo cookies (in case things go wrong), ready to open up my 1000-year egg.

Here's the Wiki about this egg
Update: apparently this type of egg was used on the tv show Fear Factor!

I cracked the pretty shell, bit by bit and finally the egg just split in half, by itself. Unexpectedly, there was no strong smell, even from up close, until it split.

The outside was like a relatively solid jelly, and the very middle was a thick liquid. I took a first bite into the outer layer, which only had a mild strange salty aftertaste. One more bite into the middle... just a stronger version of the first. But this time it was immediate, not just an aftertaste. I didn't need to urgently reach for the Oreos, but still, after a few seconds I decided to have one or two.
I didn't finish the egg, but I will claim that I survived it.
This egg was a gift from Cheng-Chung Li. Here we are, 24 hours earlier, in a Taiwanese dessert shop. That's another story... stay tuned.