Exercise 46: A Project Skeleton

This will be where you start learning how to setup a good project "skeleton" directory. This skeleton directory will have all the basics you need to get a new project up and running. It will have your project layout, automated tests, modules, and install scripts. When you go to make a new project, just copy this directory to a new name and edit the files to get started.

Skeleton Contents

First, create the structure of your skeleton directory with these commands:

$ mkdir -p projects
$ cd projects/
$ mkdir skeleton
$ cd skeleton
$ mkdir bin NAME tests docs

I use a directory named projects to store all the various things I'm working on. Inside that directory I have my skeleton directory that I put the basis of my projects into. The directory NAME will be renamed to whatever you are calling your project's main module when you use the skeleton.

Next we need to setup some initial files:

$ touch NAME/__init__.py
$ touch tests/__init__.py

That creates empty Python module directories we can put our code in. Then we need to create a setup.py file we can use to install our project later if we want:

    from setuptools import setup
except ImportError:
    from distutils.core import setup

config = {
    'description': 'My Project',
    'author': 'My Name',
    'url': 'URL to get it at.',
    'download_url': 'Where to download it.',
    'author_email': 'My email.',
    'version': '0.1',
    'install_requires': ['nose'],
    'packages': ['NAME'],
    'scripts': [],
    'name': 'projectname'


Edit this file so that it has your contact information and is ready to go for when you copy it.

Finally you will want a simple skeleton file for tests named tests/NAME_tests.py:

from nose.tools import *
import NAME

def setup():
    print "SETUP!"

def teardown():
    print "TEAR DOWN!"

def test_basic():
    print "I RAN!"

Final Directory Structure

When you are done setting all of this up, your directory should look like mine here:

$ ls -R
NAME                bin             docs            setup.py        tests




NAME_tests.py       __init__.py

This is on unix, but the structure is the same on Windows, and if I were to draw it out as a tree:


And from now on, you should run your commands from that work with this directory from this point. If you can't to ls -R and see this same structure, then you are in the wrong place. For example, people commonly go into the tests/ directory to try to run files there, which won't work. To run your application's tests, you would need to be above tests/ and this location I have above. So, if you try this:

$ cd tests/   # WRONG! WRONG! WRONG!
$ nosetests

Ran 0 tests in 0.000s


Then that is wrong! You have to be above tests, so assuming you made this mistake, you would fix it by doing:

$ cd ..   # get out of tests/
$ ls      # CORRECT! you are now in the right spot
NAME                bin             docs            setup.py        tests
$ nosetests
Ran 1 test in 0.004s


Remember this because people make this mistake quite frequently.

Installing Python Packages

Make sure you have some packages installed that makes these things work. Here's the problem though. You are at a point where it's difficult for me to help you do that and keep this book sane and clean. There are so many ways to install software on so many computers that I'd have to spend 10 pages walking you through every step, and let me tell you I am a lazy guy.

Rather than tell you how to do it exactly, I'm going to tell you what you should install, and then tell you to figure it out and get it working. This will be really good for you since it will open a whole world of software you can use that other people have released to the world.

Next, install the following python packages:

  1. pip from http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip
  2. distribute from http://pypi.python.org/pypi/distribute
  3. nose from http://pypi.python.org/pypi/nose/
  4. virtualenv from http://pypi.python.org/pypi/virtualenv

Do not just download these packages and install them by hand. Instead see how other people recommend you install these packages and use them for your particular system. The process will be different for most versions of Linux, OSX, and definitely different for Windows.

I am warning you, this will be frustrating. In the business we call this "yak shaving". Yak shaving is any activity that is mind numblingly irritatingly boring and tedious that you have to do before you can do something else that's more fun. You want to create cool Python projects, but you can't do that until you setup a skeleton directory, but you can't setup a skeleton directory until you install some packages, but you can't install packages until you install package installers, and you can't install package installers until you figure out how your system installs software in general, and so on.

Struggle through this anyway. Consider it your trial-by-annoyance to get into the programmer club. Every programmer has to do these annoying tedious tasks before they can do something cool.

Testing Your Setup

After you get all that installed you should be able to do this:

$ nosetests
Ran 1 test in 0.007s


I'll explain what this nosetests thing is doing in the next exercise, but for now if you do not see that, you probably got something wrong. Make sure you put __init__.py files in your NAME and tests directory and make sure you got tests/NAME_tests.py right.

Using The Skeleton

You are now done with most of your yak shaving. Whenever you want to start a new project, just do this:

  1. Make a copy of your skeleton directory. Name it after your new project.
  2. Rename (move) the NAME module to be the name of your project or whatever you want to call your root module.
  3. Edit your setup.py to have all the information for your project.
  4. Rename tests/NAME_tests.py to also have your module name.
  5. Double check it's all working using nosetests again.
  6. Start coding.

Required Quiz

This exercise doesn't have extra credit but a quiz you should complete:

  1. Read about how to use all of the things you installed.
  2. Read about the setup.py file and all it has to offer. Warning, it is not a very well-written piece of software, so it will be very strange to use.
  3. Make a project and start putting code into the module, then get the module working.
  4. Put a script in the bin directory that you can run. Read about how you can make a Python script that's runnable for your system.
  5. Mention the bin script you created in your setup.py so that it gets installed.
  6. Use your setup.py to install your own module and make sure it works, then use pip to uninstall it.