Discrete Structures II (COMP 2804, Section B)
Fall 2020

Instructor: Michiel Smid
Office: Herzberg Building 5125C (Note that it is unlikely that we are allowed to enter Herzberg.)
E-mail: michiel@scs.carleton.ca
Fall term:
Course objectives: A second course that is designed to give students a basic understanding of Discrete Mathematics and its role in Computer Science. Computers handle discrete data rather than continuous data. The course presents an overview of some of the major theoretical concepts needed to analyze this type of data.
Topics covered include: Counting, recursion, discrete probability, random variables, randomized algorithms. Material is illustrated through examples from computing.
Important dates:
Grading scheme:
Practice problems and old midterms/exams:
Final exam:
Academic Integrity (New, Please Read): As of 2020, there are new penalties in place for academic integrity violations. These will be issued by the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Affairs) of Science to students who copy, in whole or in part, work they submit for assignments. Note: While these are the standard penalties, more severe penalties may be applied when warranted. For more information, click here.
What was done in class (chapter and section numbers refer to the textbook):
Tentative schedule (based on the last time I taught this course)