Chapter 16
Wildcard Matching

16.1 Do This

Source 29: Linux/Mac OSX Exercise 16
  $ cd temp
  $ ls *.txt
  ex12.txt ex13.txt ex14.txt uncool.txt
  $ ls ex*.*
  ex12.txt ex13.txt ex14.txt
  $ ls e*
  ex12.txt ex13.txt ex14.txt
  $ ls *t
  ex12.txt ex13.txt ex14.txt uncool.txt
  $ cat *.txt > bigfile.txt
  $ rm *.txt
  $ ls

Source 30: Windows Exercise 16
  > cd temp
  > ls *.txt
      Directory: C:\Users\zed\temp
  Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
  ----                -------------     ------ ----
  -a---        12/22/2011   5:23 PM         38 another.txt
  -a---        12/22/2011   5:23 PM         38 ex15.txt
  > ls ex*.*
      Directory: C:\Users\zed\temp
  Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
  ----                -------------     ------ ----
  -a---        12/22/2011   5:23 PM         38 ex15.txt
  > ls e*
      Directory: C:\Users\zed\temp
  Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
  ----                -------------     ------ ----
  -a---        12/22/2011   5:23 PM         38 ex15.txt
  > ls *t
      Directory: C:\Users\zed\temp
  Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
  ----                -------------     ------ ----
  -a---        12/22/2011   5:23 PM         38 another.txt
  -a---        12/22/2011   5:23 PM         38 ex15.txt
  > cat *.txt
  I am a new file.
  I am a new file.
  > rm *.txt
  > ls

16.2 You Learned This

Sometimes you want to do a command to a set of files all at once. The way you do this is to use the * (asterisk) symbol to say "anything." Wherever you put the asterisk, the shell will build a list of all the files that match the non-asterisk part.

In this exercise you list out various files that you've made so far. I have a few extra that were hanging out in my directory, and you might have others. The key is that, by writing *.txt, you are saying "anything ending in .txt".

At the end we use rm *.txt to remove all of the .txt files in the temp directory.

16.3 Do More

  1. Add the * to your deck of flash cards. On the back write: "matches anything in a wildcard like *.txt".

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