Chapter 7
Remove Directory (rmdir)

7.1 Do This

Source 11: Linux/Mac OSX Exercise 7
  $ cd temp
  $ ls
  $ cd stuff/things/frank/joe/alex/john/
  $ cd ..
  $ rmdir john
  $ cd ..
  $ rmdir alex
  $ cd ..
  $ ls
  $ rmdir joe
  $ cd ..
  $ ls
  $ rmdir frank
  $ cd ..
  $ ls
  $ rmdir things
  $ cd ..
  $ ls
  $ rmdir stuff
  $ pwd

Source 12: Windows Exercise 7
  > cd temp
  > ls
      Directory: C:\Users\zed\temp
  Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
  ----                -------------     ------ ----
  d----        12/17/2011   9:03 AM            stuff
  > cd stuff/things/frank/joe/alex/john/
  > cd ..
  > rmdir john
  > cd ..
  > rmdir alex
  > cd ..
  > rmdir joe
  > cd ..
  > rmdir frank
  > cd ..
  > ls
      Directory: C:\Users\zed\temp\stuff
  Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
  ----                -------------     ------ ----
  d----        12/17/2011   9:14 AM            things
  > rmdir things
  > cd ..
  > ls
      Directory: C:\Users\zed\temp
  Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
  ----                -------------     ------ ----
  d----        12/17/2011   9:14 AM            stuff
  > rmdir stuff
  > pwd
  > cd ..

7.2 You Learned This

I'm now mixing up the commands so make sure you type them exactly and pay attention. Every time you make a mistake, it's because you aren't paying attention. If you find yourself making many mistakes, then take a break or just quit for the day. You've always got tomorrow to try again.

In this example you'll learn how to remove a directory. It's easy. You just go to the directory right above it, then type rmdir DIR, replacing "DIR" with the name of the directory to remove.

7.3 Do More

  1. Make 20 more directories and remove them all.
  2. Make a single path of directories that is 10 deep and remove them one at a time just like I did above.
  3. If you try to remove a directory with contents you will get an error. I'll show you how to remove these in later exercises.

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