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Time win­dowed data struc­tures
Farah Chan­chary
Car­leton Uni­ver­sity

In the time win­dowed query set­ting, we are given a set of time stamped events S, a con­tigu­ous time in­ter­val q = [i, j], and a pred­i­cate P. We want to an­swer queries based on time stamped events that match P and have time stamps in the range of q. In this talk I will pre­sent three ap­proaches using Dy­namic Al­go­rithms and Range Search, Col­ored Range Search (re­sults ap­peared in CAL­DAM '17) and Trans­for­ma­tion based tech­niques (to ap­pear in CAL­DAM '18) to solve prob­lems using graphs and geo­met­ric ob­jects.