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My publications as of 28 October 2021. Also available as plain text.

Implicit gradient alignment in distributed and federated learning.
L. Barba, M. Jaggi, and Y. Dandi.
Submitted to AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
[arXiv] [BibTeX]
Multilayer lookahead: a nested version of lookahead.
L. Barba and P. Denys.
Submitted to AISTATS Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics.
[arXiv] [BibTeX]
Dynamic model pruning with feedback.
T. Lin, S. Stich, L. Barba, D. Dmitriev, and M. Jaggi.
Published in the of International Conference on Learning Representations 2020.
[arXiv] [BibTeX]
Geodesic farthest-point voronoi diagram in linear time. [Abstract]
L. Barba.
In Proceedings of the 35th Symposium on Computational Geometry, SoCG'19. 2019.
[arXiv] [BibTeX]
Asymmetric convex intersection testing. [Abstract]
L. Barba and W. Mulzer.
In Proceedings of the 2nd Symposium on Simplicity in Algorithm, SOSA'19. 2019.
[arXiv] [BibTeX]
Convex hulls in the presence of obstacles. [Abstract]
L. Barba, M. Hoffmann, M. Korman, and A. Pilz.
In Proceedings of the 16th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory, SWAT'18. 2018.
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Time-space trade-offs for computing Euclidean minimum spanning trees. [Abstract]
B. Banyassady, L. Barba, and W. Mulzer.
In Proceedings of the 13th Latin American Theoretical INformatics Symposium, LATIN'18. 2018.
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Sharing a pizza: bisecting masses with two cuts. [Abstract]
L. Barba and P. Schnider.
In Proceedings of the 29th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, CCCG'17. July 2017.
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Subquadratic algorithms for algebraic generalizations of 3SUM. [Abstract]
L. Barba, J. Cardinal, J. Iacono, S. Langerman, A. Ooms, and N. Solomon.
In Proceedings of the 33th Symposium on Computational Geometry, SoCG'17. 2017.
[arXiv] [BibTeX]
Dynamic graph coloring. [Abstract]
L. Barba, J. Cardinal, M. Korman, S. Langerman, A. van Renssen, M. Roeloffzen, and S. Verdonschot.
In Proceedings of the 16th Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium. 2017.
[arXiv] [BibTeX]
Deterministic algorithms for unique sink orientations of grids. [Abstract]
L. Barba, M. Milatz, J. Nummenpalo, and A. Thomas.
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Computing and Combinatorics Conference. 2016.
The farthest-point geodesic Voronoi diagram of points on the boundary of a simple polygon. [Abstract]
H. Ahn, L. Barba, and E. Oh.
In Proceedings of the 32st Symposium on Computational Geometry. 2016.
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Incremental Voronoi diagrams. [Abstract]
S. Allen, L. Barba, J. Iacono, and S. Langerman.
In Proceedings of the 32st Symposium on Computational Geometry. 2016.
A Linear-Time Algorithm for the Geodesic Center of a Simple Polygon. [Abstract]
H. Ahn, L. Barba, P. Bose, J. de Carufel, M. Korman, and E. Oh.
In Proceedings of the 31st Symposium on Computational Geometry, volume 34, pages 209–223, 2015.
[pdf] [arXiv] [BibTeX]
Column planarity and partial simultaneous geometric embedding for outerplanar graphs. [Abstract]
L. Barba, M. Hoffmann, and V. Kusters.
In Proceedings of the European Workshop on Computational Geometry, EuroCG'15. 2015.
Compatible connectivity-augmentation of planar disconnected graphs. [Abstract]
G. Aloupis, L. Barba, P. Carmi, V. Dujmović, F. Frati, and P. Morin.
In Proceedings of the 26th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, pages 1602–1615, 2015.
[pdf] [arXiv] [BibTeX]
Optimal detection of intersections between convex polyhedra. [Abstract]
L. Barba and S. Langerman.
In Proceedings of the 26th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, pages 1641–1654, 2015.
[pdf] [arXiv] [BibTeX]
Drawing the Horton set in an integer grid of minimun size. [Abstract]
L. Barba, F. Duque, R. Fabila-Monroy, and C. Hidalgo-Toscano.
In Proceedings of the 26th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, CCCG'14. August 2014.
[pdf] [BibTeX]
Continuous Yao graphs. [Abstract]
L. Barba, P. Bose, J. de Carufel, M. Damian, R. Fagerberg, A. van Renssen, P. Taslakian, and S. Verdonschot.
In Proceedings of the 26th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, CCCG'14. August 2014.
[pdf] [arXiv] [BibTeX]
Linear transformation distance for bichromatic matchings. [Abstract]
O. Aichholzer, L. Barba, T. Hackl, A. Pilz, and B. Vogtenhuber.
In Proceedings of the 30th Symposium on Computational Geometry, SoCG'14, page 154, 2014.
[pdf] [arXiv] [BibTeX]
Weight balancing on boundaries and skeletons. [Abstract]
L. Barba, J. de Carufel, O. Cheong, M. Dobbins, R. Fleischer, A. Kawamura, M. Korman, Y. Okamoto, J. Pach, Y. Tang, T. Tokuyama, S. Verdonschot, and T. Wang.
In Proceedings of the 30th Symposium on Computational Geometry, SoCG'14. 2014.
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New and improved spanning ratios for Yao graphs. [Abstract]
L. Barba, P. Bose, M. Damian, R. Fagerberg, W. Keng, J. O'Rourke, A. van Renssen, P. Taslakian, S. Verdonschot, and G. Xia.
In Proceedings of the 30th Symposium on Computational Geometry, SoCG'14. 2014.
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Optimal algorithms for constrained 1-center problems. [Abstract]
L. Barba, P. Bose, and S. Langerman.
In Proceedings of the 11th Latin American Theoretical INformatics Symposium, LATIN'14, pages (84–95), March 2014.
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Isoperimetric enclosures. [Abstract]
G. Aloupis, L. Barba, J. de Carufel, S. Langerman, and D. Souvaine.
In Proceedings of the 1st Mexican Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Computational Geometry, MCDMCG'13, pages 47–56, November 2013.
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Theta-3 is connected. [Abstract]
O. Aichholzer, S. Bae, L. Barba, P. Bose, M. Korman, A. van Renssen, P. Taslakian, and S. Verdonschot.
In Proceedings of the 25th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, CCCG'13, pages 205–210, August 2013.
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Computing covers of plane forests. [Abstract]
L. Barba, A. Beingessner, P. Bose, and M. Smid.
In Proceedings of the 25th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, CCCG'13, pages 217–222, August 2013.
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On $k$-enclosing objects in a coloured point set. [Abstract]
L. Barba, S. Durocher, R. Fraser, F. Hurtado, S. Mehrabi, D. Mondal, J. Morrison, M. Skala, and M. Wahid.
In Proceedings of the 25th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, CCCG'13, pages 229–234, August 2013.
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On the stretch factor of the Theta-4 graph. [Abstract]
L. Barba, P. Bose, J. de Carufel, A. van Renssen, and S. Verdonschot.
In Proceedings of the 13th Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium, WADS'13, pages 109–120, August 2013.
[pdf] [arXiv] [BibTeX]
Bichromatic compatible matchings. [Abstract]
G. Aloupis, L. Barba, S. Langerman, and D. Souvaine.
In Proceedings of the 29th Symposium on Computational Geometry, SoCG'13, pages 267–276, June 2013.
[pdf] [arXiv] [BibTeX]
Space-time trade-offs for stack-based algorithms. [Abstract]
L. Barba, M. Korman, S. Langerman, K. Sadakane, and R. Silveira.
In Proceedings of the 30th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, STACS'13, pages 281–292, February-March 2013.
[pdf] [arXiv] [BibTeX]
Circle separability queries in logarithmic time. [Abstract]
G. Aloupis, L. Barba, and S. Langerman.
In Proceedings of the 24th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, CCCG'12, pages 121–125, August 2012.
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Disk constrained 1-center queries. [Abstract]
L. Barba.
In Proceedings of the 24th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, CCCG'12, pages 15–19, August 2012.
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The Erdös-Sós conjecture for geometric graphs. [Abstract]
L. Barba, R. Fabila-Monroy, D. Lara, J. Leaños, C. Rodríguez, G. Salazar, and F. Zaragoza.
In Proceedings of the European Workshop on Computational Geometry, EuroCG'12. March 2012.
[pdf] [arXiv] [BibTeX]
Computing the visibility polygon using few variables. [Abstract]
L. Barba, M. Korman, S. Langerman, and R. Silveira.
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC'11), pages 70–79. Yokohama, Japan, 2011.[pdf] [arXiv] [DOI] [BibTeX]
On edge-disjoint empty triangles of point sets. [Abstract]
L. Barba, J. Cano, J. Urrutia, and T. Sakai.
In Proceedings of the XIV Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry, EGC 2011, pages 15–18, July 2011.
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Dynamic circle separability between convex polygons. [Abstract]
L. Barba and J. Urrutia.
In Proceedings of the XIV Spanish Meeting on Computational Geometry, EGC 2011, pages 43–46, June 2011.
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Subquadratic algorithms for algebraic generalizations of 3SUM. [Abstract]
L. Barba, J. Cardinal, J. Iacono, S. Langerman, A. Ooms, and N. Solomon.
Discrete and Computational Geometry, 2018.
[arXiv] [BibTeX]
Dynamic graph coloring. [Abstract]
L. Barba, J. Cardinal, M. Korman, S. Langerman, A. van Renssen, M. Roeloffzen, and S. Verdonschot.
Algorithmica, Jun 2018.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
Continuous Yao graphs. [Abstract]
D. Bakhshesh, L. Barba, P. Bose, J. de Carufel, M. Damian, R. Fagerberg, M. Farshi, A. van Renssen, P. Taslakian, and S. Verdonschot.
Computational Geometry, Theory and Applications, 67(Supplement C):42 – 52, 2018.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
Linear transformation distance for bichromatic matchings. [Abstract]
O. Aichholzer, L. Barba, T. Hackl, A. Pilz, and B. Vogtenhuber.
Computational Geometry, Theory and Applications. Special Issue in Memoriam: Ferran Hurtado, 68:77–88, 2017.
[pdf] [arXiv] [DOI] [BibTeX]
Incremental Voronoi diagrams. [Abstract]
S. Allen, L. Barba, J. Iacono, and S. Langerman.
Discrete and Computational Geometry, 58:822 – 848, 2017.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
Column planarity and partially-simultaneous geometric embedding. [Abstract]
L. Barba, W. Evans, M. Hoffmann, V. Kusters, M. Saumell, and B. Speckmann.
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications, 58-4:983–1002, 2017.
[DOI] [BibTeX]
Drawing the Horton set in an integer grid of minimum size. [Abstract]
L. Barba, F. Duque, R. Fabila-Monroy, and C. Hidalgo-Toscano.
Computational Geometry, Theory and Applications, 63:10–19, 2017.
[arXiv] [DOI] [BibTeX]
A Linear-Time Algorithm for the Geodesic Center of a Simple Polygon. [Abstract]
H. Ahn, L. Barba, P. Bose, J. de Carufel, M. Korman, and E. Oh.
Discrete and Computational Geometry, 56-4:836–859, 2015.
[pdf] [arXiv] [DOI] [BibTeX]
Asymmetric polygons with maximum area. [Abstract]
L. Barba, L. Caraballo, D. Jose-Miguel, R. Fabila-Monroy, and E. Perez.
European Journal of Operational Research, 248(3):1123–1131, 2015.
[arXiv] [BibTeX]
Compatible connectivity-augmentation of planar disconnected graphs. [Abstract]
G. Aloupis, L. Barba, P. Carmi, V. Dujmović, F. Frati, and P. Morin.
Discrete and Computational Geometry, 54(2):459–480, 2015.
[pdf] [arXiv] [BibTeX]
Space-time trade-offs for stack-based algorithms. [Abstract]
L. Barba, M. Korman, S. Langerman, K. Sadakane, and R. Silveira.
Algorithmica, 72(4):1097–1129, 2014.
[pdf] [arXiv] [BibTeX]
Theta-3 is connected. [Abstract]
O. Aichholzer, S. Bae, L. Barba, P. Bose, M. Korman, A. van Renssen, P. Taslakian, and S. Verdonschot.
Computational Geometry, Theory and Applications, 47(9):910–917, 2014.
[pdf] [arXiv] [BibTeX]
Bichromatic compatible matchings. [Abstract]
G. Aloupis, L. Barba, S. Langerman, and D. Souvaine.
Computational Geometry, Theory and Applications, 48(8):622–633, 2014.
[pdf] [arXiv] [BibTeX]
Isoperimetric enclosures. [Abstract]
G. Aloupis, L. Barba, J. de Carufel, S. Langerman, and D. Souvaine.
Graph and Combinatorics, 31(2):361–392, 2015.
[pdf] [BibTeX]
The Erdös-Sós conjecture for geometric graphs. [Abstract]
L. Barba, R. Fabila-Monroy, D. Lara, J. Leaños, C. Rodríguez, G. Salazar, and F. Zaragoza.
Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 15(1):93–100, July 2012.
[arXiv] [BibTeX]
Computing the visibility polygon using few variables. [Abstract]
L. Barba, M. Korman, S. Langerman, and R. Silveira.
Computational Geometry, Theory and Applications, pages 70–79, 2011.
[pdf] [arXiv] [BibTeX]
On edge-disjoint empty triangles of point sets. [Abstract]
L. Barba, J. Cano, J. Urrutia, and T. Sakai.
In Pach, J., editor, Thirty Essays on Geometric Graph Theory, Algorithms and Combinatorics. Springer, 2012.
[pdf] [BibTeX]
On proximity problems in Euclidean spaces.
L. Barba.
PhD thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles and Carelton University, 2016.
Problemas de proximidad sobre objetos geométricos en el plano (On proximity problems of geometric objects in the plane).
L. Barba.
Master's thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2011.
Supervisor: Jorge Urrutia.
Algoritmos de optimización sobre trayectorias monótonas en gráficas coloreadas por aristas (Optimization algorithms on montone paths in edge-colored graphs).
L. Barba.
Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2009.
Supervisor: Hortensia Galeana.