Introduction to Theory of Computation (COMP 3803)
Fall 2024

Instructor: Michiel Smid
Office: Herzberg Building 5125C
Plagiarism, integrity, university policies:
Fall term:
Office hours:
Course calendar description: Theoretical aspects of computer science. Topics include: formal languages and automata theory, computability theory. Prerequisite: COMP 2804. Precludes additional credit for COMP 2805 (no longer offered). Lectures three hours a week.
List of topics: Formal languages and automata theory: regular languages, finite automata, context-free languages, pushdown automata. Computability theory: Turing machines, Church-Turing Thesis, decidability, Halting Problem.
Important dates:
Grading scheme:
Assignments from the fall term of 2022:
Final exam:
What was done in class (all links to video lectures are from previous terms):
Tentative schedule, based on the last time I taught this course. IGNORE ALL DATES BELOW; THEY ARE FROM LAST YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!