Design and Analysis of Algorithms I (COMP/MATH 3804)
Sections A and B
Winter 2025

Instructor: Michiel Smid
Office: Herzberg Building 5125C
Course outline:
Lectures and tutorials:
Office hours: will start in the week of January 13.
Course objectives: An introduction to the design and analysis of algorithms.
Topics covered include: Divide-and-conquer algorithms and their analysis using recurrence relations, graph algorithms, dynamic programming, the theory of NP-completeness.
Textbook: Algorithms, by Sanjoy Dasgupta, Christos Papadimitriou, and Umesh Vazirani, published by McGraw-Hill.
Important dates:
Grading scheme:
Assignments from a previous term:
Final exam:
What was done in class: The videos are from previous terms.
Tentative schedule, based on the last time I taught this course. Ignore the dates, they are from last year.